From Happy Hour to Healthier Habits: Cutting Back on Alcohol
Set trigger points for Euphoria and avoid too much Excitement
How do you move from drinking too much to living healthier? Everyone enjoys having a couple of drinks to relax, but how should we avoid moving from the happy hour euphoria to falling drunk? There are recognized stages of intoxication that people may experience as their drinking increases. Understanding the phases of blood alcohol concentration (BAC) is one place to start.
Fisherman JD
Fishing season on the South Atlantic coast is a fun time for me. Living two blocks from the ocean, I can quickly hike over the dunes and have my lines in the water. Usually, I have a cooler and a few adult beverages with me.
The question quickly becomes, “Do I have a fishing habit that supports my drinking,” or “Do I have a drinking habit supported by fishing.”
Now a few techy things before heading back into the story.
Blood Alcohol Levels
We’re all familiar with .08 being a common blood alcohol level for intoxication while driving a vehicle. Let’s look at that a little deeper to help moderate our alcohol intake.
Sobriety or Subclinical Intoxication (BAC: 0.01–0.05%)
People appear normal with no noticeable signs of intoxication. However, subtle effects on mood and judgment may occur.
Euphoria (BAC: 0.03–0.12%)
We feel more sociable, confident, and relaxed. Inhibitions decrease, and judgment may become impaired. Coordination and reaction times begin to slow.
This is the level most of us seek with “two glasses of wine.”
Excitement (BAC: 0.09–0.25%)
Emotional instability becomes more pronounced. Speech may be slurred, and motor skills are significantly impaired, leading to unsteady movements. Nausea and vomiting can occur.
This stage is “happy hour gone bad.” We’re drunk.
Confusion (BAC: 0.18–0.30%)
Disorientation and confusion are common. Individuals may have difficulty standing or walking and may not feel pain as readily, increasing the risk of injury.
Really bad things happen here.
Too Extreme to Discuss
The next stages are Stupor (BAC: 0.25–0.40%), Coma (BAC: 0.35–0.50%), and Death (BAC: over 0.50%). I am not really equipped to discuss these, except to say let’s avoid them before we get there.
Establishing Trigger Levels
I do it in a bar, and I do it on the beach. I establish trigger levels based on the narrative states (I like Euphoria and try to not get too Excited). Having a game plan helps me control moving from one phase to another.
On the Beach
These are some of my fishing rules based on my trigger points.
- Take one beer for every anticipated hour of fishing, then add one.
- Pack at least one water or soft drink, and make sure I drink it before the beer is gone.
- Avoid mixed drinks until after 5 PM, and only take one at a time to the beach while fishing into the sunset.
These quick rules may sound a bit boring. But remember in the season I am fishing almost every day for over 2 months.
Establish Your Own Trigger Points
I have other rules for drinking with friends and drinking while on business. I’m glad to share them, but the ultimate goal should be for you to establish what works for you. My helpful tip is to look at the narrative descriptions of blood alcohol levels and develop your own game plan.
JD Solomon resides in the Carolinas, where he fishes, sails, and spends too much time on the beach. Professionally, JD Solomon is the founder of JD Solomon, Inc., the creator of the FINESSE fishbone diagram®, and the co-creator of the SOAP criticality method©.